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Places to Share Poetry May Include Unexpected Venues

Poetry is Freedom

Places to share poetry abound in our world. You have to search for some of these places, but that can be part of the fun. Other places, you may want to create.

Poetry in general can be less constrained than other writings. For instance, formal essays have rules to which you must adhere. Some of these rules include word count, topic, and essay type such as descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, and others.

Poetry does have rules, of course, but some poets today abandon them to some degree. Yet their poems still have a rhythmic feel where beauty shines through.

Before we get into places to share poetry, let’s talk about poetry itself.

What is Poetry?


While searching for a workable definition of poetry, we realize it can sometimes "have a rather elusive meaning, although all share common ground. One is that all poems have rhythm, some with a strict meter and others with an irregular rhythm. The free verse poems is an example of one having an irregular rhythm" ("What is Poetry?"). 

People love poetry because of its diversity in meter and rhythm. One of the favorite types are ones that rhyme. These are especially welcomed by children in nursery rhymes. 

In addition, poets use “an economy of language, their imaginations, and word choices to skillfully condense language while conveying a heartfelt message. Poetry, simply stated, is the rhythmic, condensed, linguistic expression of anything that can come forth from the human imagination (“What Is Poetry?”).

Places to Share Poetry Include an Open Mic

Woman at mic

Places to share poetry include coming before the mic. Participants, some shy, some not, do not want to miss an opportunity to come alive before a group in order to proudly share their poetic creations.

There are many different types of poetry. Participants at the mic will share many different types. Each has its own beauty.

Different types of poems have survived for ages. Here are 15 of them:

  1. Blank verse. Blank verse is poetry written with a precise meter—almost always iambic pentameter—that does not rhyme.
  2. Rhymed poetry. In contrast to blank verse, rhymed poems rhyme by definition, although their scheme varies. 
  3. Free verse. Free verse poetry is poetry that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical pattern, or musical form. 
  4. Epics. An epic poem is a lengthy, narrative work of poetry. These long poems typically detail extraordinary feats and adventures of characters from a distant past.
  5. Narrative poetry. Similar to an epic, a narrative poem tells a story. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” exemplify this form.
  6. Haiku. A haiku is a three-line poetic form originating in Japan. The first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line again has five syllables. 
  7. Pastoral poetry. A pastoral poem is one that concerns the natural world, rural life, and landscapes. These poems have persevered from Ancient Greece . . . to Ancient Rome . . . to the present day.
  8. Sonnet. A sonnet is a 14(-)line poem, typically (but not exclusively) concerning the topic of love. Sonnets contain internal rhymes within their 14 lines, the exact rhyme scheme depends on the style of a sonnet.
  9. Elegies. An elegy is a poem that reflects upon death or loss. Traditionally, it contains themes of mourning, loss, and reflection. However, it can also explore themes of redemption and consolation.
  10. Ode. Much like an elegy, an ode is a tribute to its subject, although the subject need not be [death]—or even sentiment, as in John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn”.
  11. Limerick. A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a single stanza, an AABBA rhyme scheme, and whose subject is a short, pithy tale or description.
  12. Lyric poetry. Lyric poetry refers to the broad category of poetry that concerns feeling and emotion. This distinguishes it from two other poetic categories: epic and dramatic.
  13. Ballad. A ballad (or ballade) is a form of narrative verse that can be either poetic or musical. It typically follows a pattern of rhymed quatrains. From John Keats to Samuel Taylor Coleridge to Bob Dylan, it represents a melodious form of storytelling.
  14. Soliloquy. A soliloquy is a monologue in which a character speaks to him or herself, expressing inner thoughts that an audience might not otherwise know. Soliloquies are not definitionally poems, although they often can be—most famously in the plays of William Shakespeare.
  15. Villanelle. A nineteen-line poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain, with a highly specified internal rhyme scheme. Originally a variation on a pastoral, the villanelle has evolved to describe obsessions and other intense subject matters, as exemplified by Dylan Thomas, author of villanelles like “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.” (MasterClass)

Studying the above types of poems will give you a deep understanding of the scope of poetry. It will also help you determine which types of poetry seem to be promising for you to pursue.

Parties are Excellent Places to Share Poetry


You’re planning a party. How can you make it fun? Hmmm. Your friends love poetry, and so do you. You ask that everyone who wants to participate in reading poetry bring some original work.

You’ll have a contest. A panel will judge the best poems. You'll give prizes.

Suppose it’s a Halloween party. Besides having your guests recite their poems, they can also dress in a costume to reflect their poems.  

For instance, a guest dresses like a ghost and recites a limerick. Here’s one I created:

Ghost from Parkview


There once was a ghost from Parkview,

who wanted to haunt in a zoo.

But the elephants wouldn’t hear it,

And trampled his spirit.

So now he has died anew.

It will be a memorable Halloween evening filled with spookiness at your home. This is one of the excellent places to share poetry.

 Places to Share Poetry Include Your Online Site


Depending on your level of motivation and knowledge, you can create an online presence, such as a blog, where you can start a poetry club or business. Invite guests to share their poems with your viewers. Teach poetry classes. 

Videotape yourself reciting poetry. Fans can send videos of themselves reciting their creations because they might also be looking for places to share poetry. 

Share with them the types of poetry written by popular poets. Encourage subscribers to leave comments. They might give great suggestions on expanding the concept of your site.

Here are More Places to Share Poetry

Book store author

Bookstores. Have you written a book of poems? Bookstores often welcome authors to speak about their work. And of course, while you’re talking to attendees about what inspired you to become an author, you’ll read them a few of your poems. Additionally, the bookstores will carry your book. After the attendees purchase it, you autograph it.

Contests. Entering poetry contests give you an opportunity to share your submissions if you win the contest or become one of the runners-up. The winners will then have their work announced in the contest’s publication. 

Haikus are popular poems that are usually about nature. Remember that the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line again has five syllables. Be sure to give your haiku a name. Here is one I wrote:

Title: The Yellow Dance  

A bumble bee's feet

Dancing among the flowers

Yellow dance slippers

Anthologies. Creators of anthologies seek various types of writings such as short stories, essays, and poetry. You may submit your poems to anthologies according to their guidelines such as word count, how many you can submit, and other rules. If your work is accepted, your poems will be in print, and memorialized for all to see.

The many places to share poetry are limited only by your imagination. And the rewards of sharing your work can be tremendously rewarding.

Look at the world around you. Take a good look. You’re surrounded by poetry that’s awaiting you to recognize it. And then to write it.

Poetry woman

"Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance."
—Carl Sandburg

"What Is Poetry?" Celadon Books, 21 Apr. 2020, Accessed 21 Nov. 2022.

MasterClass. "Poetry 101: Learn about Poetry, Different Types of Poetry, and Poetic Devices with Examples." MasterClass Articles, 1 Sept. 2022, Accessed 14 Nov. 2022.

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