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Reading Kids Bedtime Stories
Will Help Them De-Stress

Grumpy boys

Adults are not the only ones who deal with stress. Kids suffer as well. Some adults feel that kids should just get over it because adults are faced with much bigger issues. However, kids’ problems loom large for them, too. They do not have the understanding or resources to solve their problems. But reading kids bedtime stories can offer them a place of safety where they can relax.

It’s worth repeating that parents often feel stressed. And it’s not just parents:

Children absolutely feel stress too, but are not great at recognizing their need for a break and/or are not in control of their schedules to make time to decompress . . . Stress can lead to them lashing out physically or verbally . . . even weaken their immune systems causing them to be more susceptible to germs. Plus, when you’re feeling stressed, you’re not nearly as happy.  And . . . we want our kids to be happy.  (“Rest & Relaxation: Why “Downtime” Is Important for Kids”) 

Realizing the importance of de-stressing their kids, parents can focus on taking measures to do so, such as having children rest from their busy schedules during the day. And reading kids bedtime stories. 

Learn more about Downtime for Kids.

Reading Kids Bedtime Stories
Will Give Them Something to Look Forward To

Happy boy

When kids know that at the end of the day, a parent or significant other will read them a bedtime story, they will eagerly expect it. They can regard it as a treat. Parents and children may have different schedules during the day. Parents may be at work and kids at school.

Later, when together at home, kids may be allowed to play while a parent cooks meals. After that, there is cleanup time and playtime, and the family may watch T.V. But bedtime comes at the end of the day.

However, because of busy schedules, parents and children may not have spent quality time with each other. Reading kids bedtime stories equates to quality time together.

When I was too young to read, my older sister read stories to me. I could hardly wait for her to open the book and begin reading. It was an adventure as the words took me to faraway places on magic carpets or past the gates into secret gardens. It was always a fun adventure, and for this reason, I always cherished bedtime.

Reading Kids Bedtime Stories 
Will Promote Sweet Dreams

Sleeping girl

We’re cautioned as adults to avoid reading scary stories at night. It can cause anxiety that seeps into our dreams. So it is with children. We must be careful what we read to them before sending them off to Dreamland. 

There are many benefits to reading kids bedtime stories. Some are:

  • It reduces stress. A parent’s voice has a calming effect
  • It provides quality time between parent and child, strengthening their relationship
  • Bedtime stories establish a bedtime routine, signaling to the child that it’s time to sleep
  • Exposure to new words and sentence structures helps develop a child's language and communication skills.

Let’s take a look at a bedtime story I wrote that a child aged 0-3 might enjoy:

A Sweet Lullaby For Snugglepuff 

Red panda

In a lush, green forest, lived a little red panda named Snugglepuff. He was a curious and playful red panda with a bushy tail and big, sparkling eyes. He loved to explore the forest and make new animal friends.

One sunny morning, Snugglepuff woke up feeling extra adventurous. He had a breakfast of bamboo shoots and decided to venture down a path. As he shuffled along, he came across a dragonfly, flying high, with shimmering blue wings.

"Hello, dragonfly! Where are you flying to?" said Snugglepuff, his eyes wide with excitement.

The dragonfly replied, “The meadow is in full bloom. I’m flying there. You’re welcome to come along.”

Snugglepuff eagerly followed the dragonfly, scampering and skipping through the forest. As they reached the meadow, Snugglepuff's sparkling eyes grew even wider. Red flowers, yellow flowers, blue flowers, and purple flowers swayed in the soft breeze. It was a magic carpet of flowers!

Snugglepuff couldn’t resist nuzzling his button nose into a buttercup flower. It tickled his nose. Oops! It made him sneeze!

"Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!" Snugglepuff exclaimed as he lost his balance and tumbled down a small hill. Down he went, head over heels. Head over heels. He landed in a patch of daisies.

Snugglepuff chuckled and got back on his feet, but now he was covered in flower petals. He looked quite silly! Just then, Honey, the bunny hopped by and giggled, "Snugglepuff, you look like a flower panda now!”

Red panda and rabbit

Snugglepuff laughed and said, "I guess I do! Let's make a cap from flowers!"

So, Snugglepuff and Honey gathered flowers and made the most beautiful flower cap. Snugglepuff wore it proudly as they continued their adventure. But soon, they stumbled upon a flowing river.

"Oh dear, how will we cross?" Snugglepuff wondered aloud.

Honey had a clever idea. She pointed to some smooth stones in the river. "Let’s jump from one stone to another!"

“I suppose that’s a good idea,” Snugglepuff said. “Even better, let’s leap-frog across, using the stones.” So they did. Snugglepuff leaped over Honey. Honey leaped over Snugglepuff. They did this all the way to the other side, giggling nonstop. They were so proud of themselves!

Feeling tired from their adventure, Snugglepuff the red panda, and Honey the bunny, found cozy spots under a big, leafy tree. Honey curled into a ball and went immediately to sleep. Snugglepuff adjusted his cap, which was made of flowers, and felt his eyes grow heavy.

The dragonfly lighted softly on Snugglepuff’s button nose. The sweet sounds of the forest sang them all a sweet lullaby.

Sleeping panda and dragonfly

This story is designed to be short and soothing, perfect for calming a little one and establishing a comforting bedtime routine. 

When reading kids bedtime stories, realizing that it helps them destress, encourages bonding, and promotes sweet dreams, makes for a happier, healthier child.

Images created with A.I.

“Rest & Relaxation: Why “Downtime” Is Important for Kids.” The Natural Nurturer, 19 Sept. 2016,